Legal / Modern Slavery Act statement

Modern Slavery Act statement

This is Embrace Ltd (Embrace) are committed to maintaining high ethical standards, protecting human rights whilst acting with integrity and honesty in everything we do.

Embrace acts responsibly, and we conduct our business with honesty, in good faith, and in compliance with the law. We set ourselves high standards in our business practices, and expect businesses we work with to meet the same level of business ethics. We do not tolerate any form of modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business and are committed to carrying on our business in a manner which respect the rights of individuals in the communities in which we operate. We have taken, and are continuing to take, steps to ensure that our businesses identify risk areas in their supply chains and to implement policies and procedures to eliminate those risks.


We have assed our supply base with a view to identifying high risk suppliers or areas for focus. This assessment included mapping by category, spend & geography.

Suppliers used by Embrace were identified as typically falling within the following categories: professional services, media buying, logistics delivery, transport and travel, cleaners and maintenance. Goods that we purchase include items such as raw materials, merchandise, utilities and general office equipment. Overall, the risk assessment demonstrated that the majority of the Group’s primary tier suppliers are in low-risk countries.


We conduct due diligence on all our suppliers. The due diligence process includes conducting searches using a leading compliance tool which enables us to access data from a wide variety of data points on companies around the world.

Embrace actively seek to reduce the number of suppliers we purchase goods and services from and have in place measures to remove suppliers from the supply chain if these have not been used in a specified period (e.g. twelve months). This enables Embrace to have greater control overs its supply chain.

This will enable us to better understand both our primary tier supply chain and also the source of supplies further down our chain and to provide assurance, to our clients.

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